Asking God.
Pastor Dale May 01, 2016This sermon by Pastor Dale about Matthew 7:7-12
Asking God.
God & I Keep ‘Em Straight
Dale Engle April 24, 2016A sermon from Matthew 7:1-7.
God & I Keep ‘Em Straight
Where is YOUR Treasure?
Dale Engle April 10, 2016A sermon from Matthew 6:19-24.
Where is YOUR Treasure?
Experiencing the Power of the Resurrection!
Pastor Dale Engle March 27, 2016Easter Sunday service! Glory and Praise to Jesus who death could not contain!
Experiencing the Power of the Resurrection!
Why Should I Believe the Bible?
Nate Hylton March 20, 2016Mark 6:9-13 read by Deacon Barth Amend Sermon of Daniel 8 given by Pastor Nate...
Why Should I Believe the Bible?
The Art of Giving
Pastor Dale March 13, 2016Sunday 13th of March, 2016 service about giving!
The Art of Giving
Let Your Yes Be Yes and Your No Be No!
Dale Engle February 28, 2016A sermon from Matthew 5:33-39
Let Your Yes Be Yes and Your No Be No!
God’s Ideal Relationships
Dale Engle February 21, 2016A sermon from Matthew 5:21-26.
God’s Ideal Relationships